Monday, April 16, 2007

This Is Your Life... Are You Who You're Born To Be?

Called by Kary Oberbrunner just might be the kick in the pants that complacent Christians need. A strong statement, I know, but as rebellious as it sounds, it's what I've been waiting for, and I'm sure I'm not alone. Oberbrunner gets things started on an intimate level sharing a coffee shop conversation that resulted in a shift in thinking, and could change you life. As he explores what it means to really live the lives that Christ called us to he speaks with honesty, admitting his own imperfection and humanity, and discussing common misconceptions held not only by people looking in on the church, but by those sitting in the pews as well. Most refreshingly, it's all backed up by the one book that doesn't need a review. Oberbrunner not only references his points with the scripture they're drawn from, but he makes sure that his audience isn't limited by lack of knowledge, a much appreciated gesture. This book challenges it's audience to reevaluate what their life is, what their faith is, and how they've combined the two.

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