Friday, April 30, 2010

Update 30/04/2010

And so the journey has begun. I packed my bags last night and left home for the last time before the team flies out. Here are some of the things that are going on.
1. Visas
2. Training
3. Malaria Medication
4. Support

1. We have all applied for our Visas and should be going in to pick them up soon... very soon. I don't know if there's any need to be nervous about them at this point. Hopefully everything will work out fine. Peter, one of our team leaders, is South Korean and as a result his Visa may take longer to process. If that's the case he is going to need to apply for an emergency Visa later this week so that he can enter the country with the rest of the team. Pray for the Visas, and especially for Peter's.
2. The team training days are this coming Monday and Tuesday! We'll be using this time to prepare some of the programs we need to have in India as well as go over some last minute information. Pray that these days are impactful, and that we can absorb and retain all the information we need to.
3. Two of us will begin our Malaria medication on Monday. This is a weekly medication that has been known to have some side effects. As exciting as vivid dreams may sound to some, please pray that we don't succumb to any of these adverse effects. The rest of the team will start their medication when we arrive in India with a different set of potential side effects.
4. Thank you all so much for your prayers! With only 6 days until we leave I can really feel their effects, especially as things fall into place. Financial support is doing well but I'm not quite there yet. If you're able to provide financial support it's not too late, and you can continue to contribute after we've left. The address for those of you who are able to provide some financial support is:
Dave Roberts
25 Ballyconnor Court
Toronto, Ontario
M2M 4B3

Cheques can be made out to "Tyndale University" with a memo reading 'India Team - Joel'

Thank you for your continued support and I'll try to update with stories from the road!

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