Friday, October 26, 2007

I Mostly Copy Other People

So here I am, posting for the second time in a week. I know, it's shocking, I know you don't believe it, but it's true. Why am I posting? Because I wanted to share something I guess, and it might just turn in to a rant, but we'll see. I'm just writing at this point. Last night I was coming home from dinner with the other intern and some interns from years past and I was silently complaining about the irregularity of street cars on Dundas. As I neared Spadina I was shocked not only by the sight of restaurants I discovered the excessively late hours of, but by a man on a bicycle. I've thought about him a few times today. Another guy on a bicycle in Toronto, one in a million, one more person on my walk home, one person I'll remember for a while, because he rode a bicycle even though he only had one leg. I didn't watch too closely, because I didn't want to be rude, and stare. I watched enough though. He would push off, and start to pedal, and then he would catch the pedal with his foot and try to pull it back up, and it didn't look like it was working out too well for him. Would he have been better off with crutches? Was it pride that lead him to choose a more common, yet personally ineffective mode of transportation?
I feel like this man deserves my pity, and at the same time I feel like he wouldn't accept it even if it was offered. I wonder if he's the type of person I could sit down and have a conversation with, or if he's just another face without a name. Another character that makes this city so unique.

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