Monday, June 15, 2009

Love, Come Save Me

So I'm at camp, I may have mentioned that already once or twice. I'm here and it's great. One of the things I've been working on while I've been here is compiling a list of organizations that stand for something. Some of them speak out against Human Trafficking, others fight for Workers Rights. Some of them have unique suggestions, others network amongst themselves to accomplish the same goal. There are a lot out there however.
I'll confess I'm a sucker for stellar web design and a gimmick... Maybe part of that is that these organizations need to do that in order to stand out. I don't know. Regardless, there are a lot of organizations and it's hard to take the time to research all of them. I've just been operating based on what I've been told, and what I see. I've read a couple articles, and had a couple conversations, and there are some really fascinating organizations doing really cool work in really different ways.
Unfortunately I can't support them all. I can probably be aware of all of them, and spread the word about them all, but I can't really get behind every organization in the list. I can't even remember most of them.
This is where I start to feel guilty.
Why do I seem to care about some causes more than others? It's not that I think the issues are less important, or tragic. It's not as if there are lesser wrongs being perpetrated in some cases. Some organizations have more compelling stories, but it's often the organizations that are fighting for a cause I'm already concerned about. I look for organizations to draw me out and engage me, which is hard to do with my ADD. I guess I'm just not finding the right ones. Or maybe I'm trying too hard to care. Maybe it's alright to feel more passionately about child soldiers than clean water. It's not that I don't think clean water is important...
I don't know. There's a lot of tragedy going on in the world right now. There's also a lot of hope. If you can think of any great organizations that are out there doing something please post them here. Maybe you know the organizations that will pull my heart in such a way that it will expand and I can be equally passionate about everything...

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