Friday, May 19, 2006

"I Miss You" just "Not Now"

This title pretty much sums up what I think of this album, though not in the way you might think. Angels and Airwaves, Tom DeLonge of blink182's new band, and to my knowledge the first completed post-blink project that can't be seen on MTV on a weekly basis. Being post-blink it's going to be impossible to escape comparisons, so I won't even try. Angels and Airwaves have an extremely well produced, mood creating sound. It's reminiscent of the later blink chill stuff such as... that's right... "I Miss You" and, "Not Now". DeLonge has said that this album is one to be listened to in the, "dark with a black light or a candle," and I couldn't agree more. Definitely an album to listen to lying down and just chilling. I recommend it so long as you don't take everything said on the album as gospel, for example, in the song "It Hurts" I would disagree with the statement, "your best friend is not your girlfriend," I don't think that's a very healthy way to approach a relationship. However there are positive messages on this album. There is a search for hope and inner strength that is refreshing, especially considering the source. This music doesn't speak to me on a lyrical level, but it's great to, "be really comfortable, maybe sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed."

I'll give this one 9/10 for music
10/10 for style
6/10 for lyrics

Side Note: A&A also features members from Boxcar Racer, The Distillers, and The Offspring

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good title... i like it because i understand it. I don't understand a lot, so that fact that i was able to break that down really made me feel special. HAHA. This is Sarah Trippin' by the way... im not making an account on here, i am far to lazy. Just wanted to let you know that i will be observing your blog from this day forward, so make sure your reviews and writing are tip top. *nods* Over and Out!