Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Hanging Out... Literally
So today was pretty sweet. It started off with me leading Impact (chapel time) again and it went well considering I barely prepared for it. From there I moved on to leading recreational drama which is always good and I think the kids enjoyed it. I had time off after that and then climbing club... or in other words 4 hours of fun with harnesses and ropes. We started off by doing an alpine climb up the hill by the office here at Medeba and then we went to the high ropes course and ate our lunch... hanging around 40 feet in the air. After we hung out up there and poured water on Kelly, everyones favourite californian (except for Matt Lindblad) we went in to the lodge and set up a port-a-ledge on the indoor wall while we watched music videos and ate freezies... and now it's my night off... rough day for Joel. Oh and for those of you who read this and don't know yet, Medeba Adventure Learning Centre is going to be my home for at least another year. I'm going to be staying here to participate in their 10 month Leadership Development Program and after that I'll be working here again next summer. WOOHOO! For more details on this program visit this website.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
eBay... Oh eBay
Bonus Features Disc 1: Quotes
Ok, so tonight I went to campfire and some of the funniest things I've ever heard were said. So funny I went back to my practice of writing them down. I couldn't not never avoid sharing them with you... what? Oh well. Here they are!
Regarding Fun Dip:
"This stuff tastes like cough medicine, but it actually makes you sick"
During MadLibs:
Person A: "I need a noun! That's a thing!"
Person B: "Lower Intestine!"
Person C: "I was gonna say that!"
Oh children, how great you are.
Regarding Fun Dip:
"This stuff tastes like cough medicine, but it actually makes you sick"
During MadLibs:
Person A: "I need a noun! That's a thing!"
Person B: "Lower Intestine!"
Person C: "I was gonna say that!"
Oh children, how great you are.
Monday, June 26, 2006
MEDEBA: A New Hope
So I'm here. At Medeba. Immediately I was reminded of leadership camp. The gophers Scott Munro was so afraid of are just chillin' which is cool. The credit cards from our egg drop were still in the fireplace un-charred. It's going to be hard to try to seperate that weekend from my definition of what Medeba is. Since I've been here I have done some climbing, some belaying, some zip lining and about 500m of swimming, and that was just today. The past couple days have been full of seminars and other events that were fascinating and taught me a lot in some cases, while offering a quick refresh in other cases. I'm a little sunburnt, more than a little tired, and extremely excited for what this summer has in store. The other staff are super cool and I have connections to some of them directly, and others through friends. I had an aweXome time trying to learn how to juggle, the aweXomeness stemmed out of the level of failure I experienced. I'll try to update more as things come to mind. Oh, I don't know if I've ever eaten so much, the food here is quite possibly spiked with addictive substances. Not that I'm about to complain. Check back to read more of the MEDEBA CHRONIC(what)CLES!
Friday, June 23, 2006
The Pink Panther

Umm... sorry?
Ok, I've been receiving several comments recently and I know that I owe you an apology. It has been three and a half weeks since I have posted anything on here and it's almost entirely my fault for a large part of that time. A lot has happened, including a period of approximately a week where my computer wasn't working at all. However it is finally fixed and I can begin to comment on things. I will do my best to post on here, however it will not be daily for quite a while. I am pleased to announce that starting tonight I am going to be at Camp Medeba in Haliburton. If you want to send me things, such as chocolate, money, medals, or trophies, even pizza trophies you can do so via this address.
Joel Torrens
C/O Camp Medeba
PO Box 138
West Guilford, Ontario
K0M 2S0
Joel Torrens
C/O Camp Medeba
PO Box 138
West Guilford, Ontario
K0M 2S0
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
The Evening of the Golden Hawk
I know it's been a long time, I apologize for that, there wasn't much I could do. This past week the show closed, and what a week it was. Various injuries, swimming trips in the afternoon, plans made for my upcoming weekend etcetera. The big news was the closing of the show, which is sad yet at the same
time amazing. 27 highschool students put on an amazing show according to pretty much everyone who saw it, and I learned a lot about professional theatre. I learned about all sorts of cool things you can do, and I learned there are things you can't do. For the good of the show you can't do things like change your appearance, consume dairy and other things that will effect your voice. Once the show is over however all bets are off... I have had ice cream everyday since the show has ended and it took me less than three hours to cut my hair... into something of a mohawk. Of course I wasn't satisfied with this, being me. Last night, after a day of swimming in a lake, hanging out with friends, going out to dinner, and random laughs, the Sarah's, Mary and Amber decided they were going to finally spike the 'hawk. As we went to Sarah Best's house to do this it was decided that before we went through with this the hair needed to be dyed, and by dyed I guess they meant bleached, to a goldish yellow colour. And I must say I think they did a sexy job. Kudos to you girls.
*NOTE* I will try to update this post with a better lit picture soon.

*NOTE* I will try to update this post with a better lit picture soon.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
An Ode To A Paisley
Paisley this is for you
And I must say it's true
In my books you're Paisley #2
Lindsays baby is aweXome
And makes you look dumb
I'm sorry, but what can I do?
But for what it's worth
In all of your girth
I appreciate you all the same
I guess....
And I must say it's true
In my books you're Paisley #2
Lindsays baby is aweXome
And makes you look dumb
I'm sorry, but what can I do?
But for what it's worth
In all of your girth
I appreciate you all the same
I guess....
Friday, May 19, 2006
"I Miss You" just "Not Now"
I'll give this one 9/10 for music
10/10 for style
6/10 for lyrics
Side Note: A&A also features members from Boxcar Racer, The Distillers, and The Offspring
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Flower Power in the Eleventh Hour
The moral of this story - nice guys who go to Stanford and Harvard will always beat jerks who dropped out of college.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
You Call That A Season Finale²
I can't believe it. I really can't. Prison Break, my sweet Prison Break, literally a provider of hours of entertainment. You let me down. I am ashamed of you. THAT'S NOT HOW YOU END A SEASON! Seasons end with earth shattering events that you just can't put in the middle of a season. It doesn't work that way. Why do the less than spectacular shows get it? The O.C. is killing off a main character this week! That's big news that has me thinking I just might watch it to see who, though I already have my theories. Oh Prison Break, if only it were just you. If only the same wasn't also true of Grey's Anatomy, the unneccessarily long, Monday instead of Sunday season finale suffers the same tragic flaw. Nothing I wouldn't expect in the middle of a season. Ok, that's not exactly true. Izzy DID quit, but there was no hype or suspense surrounding that whatsoever. It just happened. Both these "season finales" left me feeling like I only had to wait one more week, one week to see what's going to happen next. Yet I'm not disappointed that I'll have to wait a lot longer. I give both these episodes 4 Sad Clowns... And one sad Joel.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
The Lengths We Go To...
9 in the morning to 6 at night. That was our rehearsal today. Singing and moving stuff around a stage over and over again for 9 hours. What a fun day. It was actually really fun. However I don't have much time to stick around and review, or post about anything today. It's time for a fun night of relaxation. I'm off to Timmies and then to a friends house for some wicked cool chillaxing. Until tomorrow you need to check out The Classic Crime. I wish I could review their new CD which is coming out on the 23rd of this month, however I haven't heard all the songs at this point. If we're lucky I'll be able to find it in the next week. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
Friday, May 12, 2006
The Good, The Bad, The Apology
To begin this post I would like to once again apologize to my loyal readers. It has been more than a day since my last post and I feel horrible about it. However I have some bad news. Over the next two weeks I will be caught up in the frenzy of putting on a FANTASTIC show. That's right, it's big letters good. Les Miserables, playing at the Village Playhouse. Not to plug anything. However the greatness that is the stage may or may not prevent me from posting here as regularly as I would like to, and believe me I have some good things to post about. So that covers the bad and the apology and now for the good. JT²'s first video for Respect't is now online courtesy of everyone's favourite website for quality visual entertainment. Check it out here.
Stay tuned for reviews on Firewall, Revolver, and some CD's.
Stay tuned for reviews on Firewall, Revolver, and some CD's.
Monday, May 08, 2006
A Little Bit About My Favourite Group
The Militia Group. Currently TMG is my favourite record label and I feel that this is something significant enough that it warrants mention. This label, as beautifully indie as it is, has some of my current favourite bands. Not to mention that they also distribute vinyl's by some of my favourite non-indie bands. My top bands on the label now include, Brandtson, Copeland, Lovedrug, Cartel, The Rocket Summer, The Class of 98, and The Rocket Summer. Though I can't completely forget about Denison Witmer, also a high quality performer. With alumni such as Acceptance and Rufio this label is not to be dismissed. They release quality music, by excellent bands, and are even recognized internationally. I have yet to sit down and browse their entire line up but it is a task I intend to follow through on. Oh, I can't forget to mention that the tours that they get their bands on are unbelievable. Currently The Rocket Summer are on tour with Brandtson, Daphne Loves Derby, Paramore and others.... if only I had been in Toronto for that show... if only...
*EDIT* Wow, they just keep getting better and better. I was just approved for press access to their website. That's what I'm talking about!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Ladies and Gentlemen: Review 1
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Of Litter and Leadership
It has been stated that the Daily Joel has taken a 5 day hiatus. To this I say, "Felker, stop complaining and eat your Jell-o before the orderlies take it away." To the rest of you, my countless fans I offer this apology. I was at the Leadership Camp to end all Leadership Camps. I have to say that I was extremely impressed with everyone who was there. Every single Jr.Leader was responsive and did what they could to get in to the program to the benefit of all. The teachers were an amazing source of support and in some cases laughs. My fellow facillitators knocked one out of the park, to use a sports analogy from a game I scarcely watch and never play. I was honoured to be a part of this amazing experience and I would like to thank everyone who was there for making it what it was. Scott Munro, great reactions! Robin, fun with balloons, good times. Braeden, you ARE Marvin the Martian. Mr.Vanderwal, "You're my Vanderwal". I would also like to thank Andrew Mack. I know you weren't there, I don't know if you'll ever read this, but by leaving behind a whole stack of smile books you saved us time and effort. We were able to dismantle them and use them for our Warm and Fuzzies. Thanks for that, oh and it was nice to have a souvenir one since I was unable to visit when you were there.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
And So It Begins...
And so begins my first blog, something I have been meaning to get around to for longer than you can know. In the coming days and weeks I'll be chronicling all kinds of things here, such as what's happening with me... Joel. I'll provide links to valuable websites... like my own, and others I find ammusing or interesting. I'll also be changing the template to something more me-ish. Expect movie reviews, not necessarily new, but reviews all the same, and music reviews. The music reviews will definitely be more current, possibly even... pre-release... but how that works you'll never know. Stay tuned for more information, babbling, insight, or whatever you wish to call this. Thanks for stopping by!
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